Creatique: everybody's a creative.
Creatique: everybody's a creative.
Creatique: everybody's a creative.
A mobile application to allow artists to review and rate the quality of art supplies.
A mobile application to allow artists to review and rate the quality of art supplies.
Product Designer
Product Designer
Product Designer
Product Designer
Creative media
Creative media
Creative media
Creative media

Here's the problem
Here's the problem
Currently, there is no singular solution that allows artists to research creative products in a way that is thorough, concise, and sincere.
Currently, there is no singular solution that allows artists to research creative products in a way that is thorough, concise, and sincere.
Artists may gather recommendations from online articles that boast the best rankings for quality supplies, but it is not unheard of to find that these recommendations are sponsored and therefore biased. Youtube videos may offer the same sponsorship bias while also being time inefficient. Customer reviews on shopping platforms may offer the most honest insight, but to truly gather an accurate scope of a product, artists are still compelled to survey many platforms.
Artists may gather recommendations from online articles that boast the best rankings for quality supplies, but it is not unheard of to find that these recommendations are sponsored and therefore biased. Youtube videos may offer the same sponsorship bias while also being time inefficient. Customer reviews on shopping platforms may offer the most honest insight, but to truly gather an accurate scope of a product, artists are still compelled to survey many platforms.
The result is that artists are forced to consume an unreasonable amount of time whenever they research supplies, and they still risk poor recommendations, all before coming to a final purchasing decision.
The result is that artists are forced to consume an unreasonable amount of time whenever they research supplies, and they still risk poor recommendations, all before coming to a final purchasing decision.
Let's try a solution
Let's try a solution
Through user research, I have found that many artists struggle with this phenomenon and indeed wish for one platform where products may be reviewed with ease and in earnest.
Through user research, I have found that many artists struggle with this phenomenon and indeed wish for one platform where products may be reviewed with ease and in earnest.
To deliver an effective solution, a review and rating system would need to be implemented. Users asked for key features such as star-based ranking, a way to display photographs, and a place to clearly type their opinions.
To deliver an effective solution, a review and rating system would need to be implemented. Users asked for key features such as star-based ranking, a way to display photographs, and a place to clearly type their opinions.
Creatique offers this in the form of a review-centered mobile application. Gone are the days of jumping through pages and fourms and columns before an artist makes their trip to the supply store.
Creatique offers this in the form of a review-centered mobile application. Gone are the days of jumping through pages and fourms and columns before an artist makes their trip to the supply store.
We'll need tools
We'll need tools

Style Guide
Style Guide
The style guide granted a visual direction.
The style guide granted a visual direction.

Mind Map
Mind Map
The mind map was the project's first step to understanding the problem and the solution at their most abstract levels.
The mind map was the project's first step to understanding the problem and the solution at their most abstract levels.

Flow Chart
Flow Chart
This chart was used to understand the flow between screens and how the flow is impacted by user decisions.
This chart was used to understand the flow between screens and how the flow is impacted by user decisions.

The persona guided user-focused decisions.
The persona guided user-focused decisions.

Uncovered Issues
Uncovered Issues
An early obstacle in developing this app was refining the review page. Initially, the information architecture felt cluttered, with uncertainty surrounding the optimal sorting of details like star ratings, user information, and the written reviews. The order of featured product attributes and how to visually integrate them all cohesively was a challenge.
An early obstacle in developing this app was refining the review page. Initially, the information architecture felt cluttered, with uncertainty surrounding the optimal sorting of details like star ratings, user information, and the written reviews. The order of featured product attributes and how to visually integrate them all cohesively was a challenge.

Applied Strategies
Applied Strategies
Through an iterative process focused on minimizing visual clutter and streamlining content presentation, the review page was condensed and shortened by a significant 32%. This streamlined approach not only improved user experience by making the page easier to digest, but also paved the way for a more impactful and informative user review system.
Through an iterative process focused on minimizing visual clutter and streamlining content presentation, the review page was condensed and shortened by a significant 32%. This streamlined approach not only improved user experience by making the page easier to digest, but also paved the way for a more impactful and informative user review system.
Impact Highlights
Impact Highlights
Comprehensive Clarity
With tested structure, this solution offers effortless UI and an intuitive user journey.
With tested structure, this solution offers effortless UI and an intuitive user journey.
Infinite Integrity
Creatique was assembled and designed with honesty as a core value.
Cordial Community
Artists can now be unified by having a place to share their experiences.
Artists can now be unified by having a place to share their experiences.

A more condensed review page with an efficient information architecture.
A more condensed review page with an efficient information architecture.
A more condensed review page with an efficient information architecture.
A shorter average navigation time through the review-writing process after four iterations.
A shorter average navigation time through the review-writing process after four iterations.
A shorter average navigation time through the review-writing process after four iterations.
An increased report in greater user satisfaction by the final iteration.
An increased report in greater user satisfaction by the final iteration.
An increased report in greater user satisfaction by the final iteration.